Song Writing Prompt – Day #7
This is IT! The very last songwriting prompt of this seven-day songwriting challenge! And a challenge it was. As I mentioned yesterday, it absolutely became MUCH harder to get music finished with a restricted schedule during the week. I also teach electronic music production at Long & McQuade in Dartmouth… so even though I wasn’t creating new songs, I was creating inspiration in others! (Which I am going to count as a win).
The next time I put on a songwriting challenge (and I most definitely will) I am going to try to schedule time away from work just for making music (if they’ll let me).
What were some of your challenges? I would love to hear about your struggles either on the Spacefood Forum or at the listening party over in Halifax at Kamphyre Studios on Friday at 7 pm.
For your final song prompt (let’s make it a bit more subjective):
Good luck everyone! I hope you enjoyed this songwriting exercise and found it to be a helpful way to combat your writer’s block. I would love to hear from you! If you feel like sending me some feedback on what I have been up to on with Spacefood (or if you just want to say hi), send me an email! Until next time
– Peace!