Song Writing Prompt – Day #2

Woo Hoo! Day two! So, how did it go? I would really like to hear from you on the forum (if you have time, of course!)

I’m sure you were able to get some good ideas down for your first day of songwriting. I’m also sure that there are things you wish you could have done differently. Don’t worry about going to back to do tweaks to your music until after the week is through. For now, it’s time to move forward toward the completion of your SECOND song!

If you require a bit of inspiration, here is your second songwriting prompt for Saturday, May 6th:


This beat is arranged into a song structure that you are more than welcome to keep, or you can go ahead and chop it up! Don’t feel like using it? Then don’t! :) 

It is YOU that stands in the way of your creativity. If you don’t have time, make time! Or you will always be waiting for your inspiration to come.

I work a full-time job and have freelance projects I work on in the evening. Because my day gets so jam-packed, I make time for music by waking up early in the morning (sometimes 4am). This might be an extreme example, but hopefully, it serves as some type of encouragement for you to be serious about your music.

If you couldn’t get a track finished on Friday, NO SWEAT just start one on Saturday. If you can get even one finished song out of this week, I would say that’s a victory! <3