When it comes to creating new music, new music producers face a constant struggle with emotions. Whether they’re feeling frustrated, intimidated, or overwhelmed, they must find a way to push through and create something unique.

The first obstacle that new music producers face is feeling intimidated by the immense amount of talent out there. This can cause them to second guess their own abilities and become overwhelmed by the sheer number of music producers that are better than them. As a result, they may feel like they’re not good enough or that they don’t have the skills to produce something that is worthwhile.

The second obstacle they face is the feeling of frustration. New music producers can become frustrated because they feel like they don’t have the right tools or the knowledge to create something truly unique. They may also become frustrated by the fact that they can’t seem to get their ideas out in the way they envisioned them.

The third obstacle is the feeling of being overwhelmed. Music production can be a daunting task and the amount of work that needs to be done can be overwhelming. It can be difficult to find the time to actually sit down and create something meaningful.

The fourth obstacle is the struggle of self-doubt. New music producers may begin to doubt their own abilities and worry that they’re not good enough or that they don’t have the skills to create something that is worthwhile. This can lead to a feeling of insecurity and anxiety which can make it hard to focus and get the job done.

Despite all these difficulties, it is possible for new music producers to overcome these obstacles. The most important thing to remember is to stay positive and focus on the goal. It’s important to take the time to learn the tools and techniques needed to produce great music. It’s equally important to practice, practice, practice. Building up a portfolio of music will help to boost confidence and demonstrate that the producer is capable of producing quality music.

Finally, it’s important to take breaks when needed. Working too hard for too long can lead to burnout which can be detrimental to the creative process. Taking regular breaks to collect thoughts and refocus can help to keep the creative juices flowing and help the producer stay motivated.

The emotion struggle that new music producers face is real. But with the right attitude and some hard work, it is possible for them to overcome these obstacles and create something truly unique.


This is IT! The very last songwriting prompt of this seven-day songwriting challenge! And a challenge it was. As I mentioned yesterday, it absolutely became MUCH harder to get music finished with a restricted schedule during the week. I also teach electronic music production at Long & McQuade in Dartmouth… so even though I wasn’t creating new songs, I was creating inspiration in others! (Which I am going to count as a win).

The next time I put on a songwriting challenge (and I most definitely will) I am going to try to schedule time away from work just for making music (if they’ll let me).

What were some of your challenges? I would love to hear about your struggles either on the Spacefood Forum or at the listening party over in Halifax at Kamphyre Studios on Friday at 7 pm. 

For your final song prompt (let’s make it a bit more subjective):


Good luck everyone! I hope you enjoyed this songwriting exercise and found it to be a helpful way to combat your writer’s block. I would love to hear from you! If you feel like sending me some feedback on what I have been up to on with Spacefood (or if you just want to say hi), send me an email! Until next time

– Peace!

Wow! I can’t believe the Challenge is nearly finished! We are already on day 6 and I hope that you are finding this songwriting exercise as enjoyable as I have been the last 5 days. Some of my main observations are:

  1. I still have to practice writing my music with less focus on the details. I have found that I am being too critical with the music I am creating. Because of this, I catch myself scrolling through sounds. With this in mind, I suppose I could be preparing my sounds and presets the night before so that when I jump into making my songs in the morning, I am already set up.
  2. When the week started getting busy, I found it difficult to get myself into a music writing mood quick enough to get much done in one sitting. (This could also be due to the lack of preparation on my part)
  3. On the days I finished a song quickly, I felt pumped up all day!

Well tomorrow if you are in need of some inspiration:


Use the coupon code CHALLENG3 to download a collection of sounds from the Spacefood House & Trance Sample Pack. A big thanks to Ryan Osborne of PolyGecko for collaborating with me on this pack!

Well, now that it’s the beginning of the week, I definitely have had some difficulty finding the time to work on my track for the day. However, a lot of that trouble definitely has to do with my mindset as I was writing.  I started something, AND THEN BROKE MY RULE!!!! I decided it wasn’t good enough and then stopped writing!!! WHAT WAS I THINKING?! ;) Oh man. So now I have to just quickly finish it up before the day is out. Wish me luck!

For your fifth Songwriting prompt for May 9th:


I know this a bit weird, But HEY this drum progression is going to be an awesome foundation for a complete song. You might be thinking: “What exactly do you mean by a drum progression, Aaron?!”. And I reply to you with this: “Spend the same amount of time that you would on a song with multiple instruments, but instead focus your energy on building a fairly detailed drum beat that changes dynamically throughout the 3.5 minutes”. 

I think that a lot of the time the drums really get left out of the focus during a new production and I think it’s about time they got some love.


Oh man, is it possible for something to get harder AND easier at the same time!? Today was successful but tomorrow I am REALLY going to have to focus! If you have been participating, I hope it’s been going smoothly.

If you haven’t been able to participate the last few days because of life or whatever, remember that you can start making music anytime! If you can get one new song out of this week, you are doing well!

For your songwriting prompt on your fourth day (Monday, May 7th):


Ambient music can be so transcendent and a major joy to create. Today, if you need some direction, try working on an ambient track that has lots of building energy and automation. If you need some more inspiration, have a listen to music by Stellardrone:

Day three! Great work! Do you feel that you are being met with more resistance in your compositions or less? You may be riding a bit of an energetic high from your success the last couple of days, but don’t be consumed by it! Stay focus on keeping your songwriting process aloof. Just aim to get your songs down and done. YOU CAN DO IT!

On my second day of the challenge, I found it a bit harder to stay disconnected from my music as I was creating it. I REALLY had to fight the urge to waste time looking for that “perfect” sound. Fortunately, I was able to snap myself out of it long enough to get my second song to a point where is could be considered finished(ish). Overall, I am happy with my results today and I’m looking forward to going back after the week is over to put a bit more time into finishing this one!

Your third songwriting prompt for Sunday, May 7th is:


This piano progression is from the Spacefood Trance and House sample pack (in the store). If these sounds inspire you, please use them to your heart’s content! This progression is in the Key of C-Major.

KEEP UP THE EXCELLENT WORK! I am so proud of your progress!

Woo Hoo! Day two! So, how did it go? I would really like to hear from you on the forum (if you have time, of course!)

I’m sure you were able to get some good ideas down for your first day of songwriting. I’m also sure that there are things you wish you could have done differently. Don’t worry about going to back to do tweaks to your music until after the week is through. For now, it’s time to move forward toward the completion of your SECOND song!

If you require a bit of inspiration, here is your second songwriting prompt for Saturday, May 6th:


This beat is arranged into a song structure that you are more than welcome to keep, or you can go ahead and chop it up! Don’t feel like using it? Then don’t! :) 

It is YOU that stands in the way of your creativity. If you don’t have time, make time! Or you will always be waiting for your inspiration to come.

I work a full-time job and have freelance projects I work on in the evening. Because my day gets so jam-packed, I make time for music by waking up early in the morning (sometimes 4am). This might be an extreme example, but hopefully, it serves as some type of encouragement for you to be serious about your music.

If you couldn’t get a track finished on Friday, NO SWEAT just start one on Saturday. If you can get even one finished song out of this week, I would say that’s a victory! <3


Congratulations on your decision to participate in the Seven Song Week, Songwriter Challenge!

As promised, every day I will be posting a prompt you are more than welcome to use to help inspire your creativity for the day.

Your prompt for Day #1 of the songwriting challenge (Friday May 5th):

Write a song using only ONE instrument!

A lot of the time, the most difficult part of writing a new tune is deciding what instrumentation to use (especially with electronic music production!). For one of your songs this week, try sticking with just piano, guitar or maybe marimba or the default Massive patch. Just make sure to use only ONE!

As a reminder to you, this challenge is a practice of ignoring the tiny details of your composition and just pushing forward to the finish. The songs you create don’t have to be fully developed, they should just be as close to finished as you can get them before the end of the day.


If you seek more inspiration or feedback during the week, please head on over to the Spacefood Forum to chum with me.

To all of you, I wish you GOD SPEED!

Have you ever felt the annoying, perpetual dissatisfaction of lingering writer’s block? You wait for the magical moment of inspiration that just never seems to arrive. Fortunately for you, this isn’t an uncommon problem and there are many ways to recover from the creative blight. The very first step is to realize that your magical inspiration may NEVER actually hit you.

This is exactly what a seven-day songwriting challenge is about; breaking through your creative blocks and recovering your creative flow! 

Before I start rambling on about the details, what exactly is a seven song week? Well, beginning on Friday May 5th the participants of this event will attempt to write seven songs in seven days! You don’t have to be a pro songwriter to benefit from this challenge. The point of this exercise is to practice caring less about your music so you don’t get caught in a “loop”.  The songs should be as complete as you can get them, without agonizing about the details. This means swift decision making with your focus on reaching the finishing stages of your composition process. Remember, You can always go back after the seven-day challenge to the songs you really like to refine them.  There are no restrictions here for the genre. You are welcome to write any type of music, with or without lyrics. If you find yourself in a bit of a creative rut, I will be posting a songwriting prompt every day during the challenge to help you get started.

In the evening of the eighth day of this challenge (Friday, May 12th at 7pm), I will be hosting a free listening party at a venue in Halifax (Kamphyre Studios on Almon). There will be beer, cider, coffee and other drinks available at the bar (maybe even popcorn!). If you feel comfortable with sharing, bring your compositions from the week along on your phone or a USB stick to showcase your work to the group. This is an opportunity to mingle and share feedback with other Nova Scotian songwriters and producers.

If you’re a perfectionist paralyzed by your own quality standards, the above exercises can help you shake yourself loose. Take a deep breath, lower your quality standards, and make a rush at it—there’s always time to pick nits later, when you’re revisiting and revising these hurried tunes. (http://nicholastozier.com/4-fast-paced-songwriting-methods/)

The Group

The group aspect of this exercise is important for a plethora of reasons, which are reasons why I encourage you to register! (There aren’t any costs involved in registering).

Firstly, by officially joining the challenge you are announcing to some of your human peers that you are going to do your best to complete the challenge which adds a degree of subconscious motivation to developing your daily routine.

Secondly, because every participant will essentially be experiencing similar challenges during the week, your user profile will allow you to reach out for help or inspiration through the Seven Day Challenge Forum. The daily prompts will be shared on the forum as well.

Thirdly, this challenge is an opportunity for songwriters, producers, and recording specialists to mingle with other songwriters, producers, and recording specialists! (Do I sense some collaboration potential there?!).

Fourthly, share your music with people who will actually listen to your tracks (as opposed to posting your tunes in the vast internet).

Finally, this is an opportunity to accept suggestions on how to better improve your overall production workflow.


The (Suggested) Rules:

   1.Start a new song EVERY DAY

Remember that your songs don’t have to be “good”, they just have to be “done” (whatever that means). Do your best to avoid getting caught up in the details. You can always come back to refine your composition after the week is through. 


This songwriting concept is not a new idea! There are composers and producers all over the world experimenting with interesting ways to channel their creativity! If you are interested in reading into this seven in seven challenge further, have a look at a few of these sites:

Immersion Composition Society

Mellender and Dobson found themselves completely overtaken by a burning desire to play this game as often as possible, and, naturally, they started telling all of their friends about it. (http://www.ics-hub.org/writings)


14 songs in 28 days
The goal is simple: pledge to write about one new song every other day for the shortest month of the year. Just because you can! Do what the pros do: show up and start making music. (http://fawm.org/)


Seven Song Week Challenge – Support Group Forum – http://learnableton.spacefood.ca/forums/forum/seven-song-week-songwriter-challenge-support-group/

Forum registration page – http://learnableton.spacefood.ca/register/

Daily songwriting prompts – http://learnableton.spacefood.ca/forums/topic/daily-songwriting-prompts/

Helpful videos forum – http://learnableton.spacefood.ca/forums/topic/songwriting-workflow-techniques/