

Small groups, personalized coaching,
and a proven workflow to help you
write unique music faster

“No book or tutorial video has been anywhere near as helpful as checking in regularly with a real person who is genuinely delighted to see me succeed with my productions. I highly recommend working with Aaron!”

“His gentle and kind demeanour are exactly the teacher traits I need to make mistakes, feel frustrated- but to keep learning! After each lesson, I rush to implement what I’ve learned. I would recommend this course to anyone who is wanting to create and put their music into the world.”

“Took an Ableton producing class – loved it!! Excellent organization of topics, take home activities, fun sample beats, quirky off-beat jokes to keep you focused. The daunting program now feels a lot more accessible to this lil’ beginner”

“If you are considering taking a class from Aaron I highly recommend it. I did the trial lesson and quickly realized I had a lot to learn and that Aaron can teach it.”

“Spacefood is an excellent way to start/continue your Ableton journey. Learning the basics through spacefood will save ton of time down the road and the activities provided are great practice. Highly recommended!”

“Aaron is an awesome teacher and a great mentor! He is very passionate and enthusiastic about teaching which makes it easier to learn.”


Small group lessons, personalized coaching,
and a proven workflow to help you
write unique music faster

“No book or tutorial video has been anywhere near as helpful as checking in regularly with a real person who is genuinely delighted to see me succeed with my productions. I highly recommend working with Aaron!”

“His gentle and kind demeanour are exactly the teacher traits I need to make mistakes, feel frustrated- but to keep learning! After each lesson, I rush to implement what I’ve learned. I would recommend this course to anyone who is wanting to create and put their music into the world.”

“Took an Ableton producing class – loved it!! Excellent organization of topics, take home activities, fun sample beats, quirky off-beat jokes to keep you focused. The daunting program now feels a lot more accessible to this lil’ beginner”

“If you are considering taking a class from Aaron I highly recommend it. I did the trial lesson and quickly realized I had a lot to learn and that Aaron can teach it.”

“Spacefood is an excellent way to start/continue your Ableton journey. Learning the basics through spacefood will save ton of time down the road and the activities provided are great practice. Highly recommended!”

“Aaron is an awesome teacher and a great mentor! He is very passionate and enthusiastic about teaching which makes it easier to learn.”


Small groups, personalized coaching, and a proven workflow to help you write unique music faster.

This course is perfect for those who want to learn the fundamentals of music production with Ableton Live. You’ll receive over 6 hours of coaching, plus 6 hours of on-demand video education. You’ll also have the opportunity to network and collaborate with other students. The course is 6 weeks long, and will give you the chance to learn the speed production workflow that will help you avoid overwhelm and write unique music faster.


Over 6 HOURS of Live-Online Coaching

Each week, you and your small group of between 4-8 will meet with Aaron via Zoom to ask questions, network with your cohort, and learn creative music composition strategies


6 Weeks + Ongoing Collaborations

Review video tutorials and complete activities before each, 1-hour, live-online coaching session, held weekly. All students are encouraged to participate in live-online collaboration jams to keep the creative juices flowing!



This course is ideal for complete beginners and low-intermediate users eager to start making the music they hear in their minds


Video Tutorials, Templates, and Guides

Get audio & MIDI samples, PDF reference guides, and unlimited access to the 6+ HOURS of tutorials and lesson recordings


Over 6 HOURS of Live-Online Coaching

Each week, you and your small group of between 4-8 will meet with Aaron via Zoom to ask questions, network with your cohort, and learn creative music composition strategies


6 Weeks + Ongoing Collaborations

Review video tutorials and complete activities before each, 1-hour, live-online coaching session, held weekly. All students are encouraged to participate in live-online collaboration jams to keep the creative juices flowing!



This course is ideal for complete beginners and low-intermediate users eager to start making the music they hear in their minds


Video Tutorials, Templates, and Guides

Get audio & MIDI samples, PDF reference guides, and unlimited access to the 6+ HOURS of tutorials and lesson recordings



  • Ableton Live browser
  • Session view/Arrangement view navigation
  • What is session/arrangement view best for
  • Clip slots
  • What is the difference between an audio clip and a Midi clip
  • How to program MIDI (drums)
  • Adding tracks
  • Deleting tracks
  • Selecting multiple tracks range & nonadjacent
  • Tracks are connected between session & arrangement view
  • I/O section
  • Sends section
  • Return tracks
  • Adding an audio clip to the session view from browser
  • Clip launch button
  • Loop indicator
  • Show/hide sends & returns
  • Add return track
  • Pad launch/mute/solo buttons
  • Duplicate and vary technique
  • Beat time ruler – clip view
  • Adding MIDI notes to MIDI editor
  • Pausing clip playback
  • Beat subdivision
  • Beat names
  • Pencil tool for adding midi notes
  • Mixer section
  • Resizing views
  • What is Pan?
  • Track activator switch
  • Solo button
  • Record arm button
  • Volume meter
  • Midi velocity meter
  • Types of midi messages
  • Velocity Editor
  • Converting MIdI to audio
  • Midi editor
  • Drum instruments
  • Single device icon vs device group
  • Audio preview icon
  • Sorting the browser list
  • How to add devices to a track
  • Back to arrangement view button
  • Add new midi clip to session view
  • Deleting clips
  • Detail view midi vs detail view audio
  • Piano roll
  • Stopping clips in session view
  • Toggling detail view with overview tabs
  • Fold/unfold views
  • Info area
  • Drum rack overview
  • Velocity editor with the pencil tool
  • Velocity ramping
  • Changing the beat grid using the context menu
  • Fixed vs adaptive grid
  • Focus based shortcuts
  • Zooming using the beat time ruler
  • Moving left & right with the beat time ruler
  • Navigate and zoom with overview area session and arrangement view
  • Turn on loop in clip view
  • Activate loop in arrangement view
  • Adjusting the length of loop
  • Moving midi notes around in the midi editor
  • Adjusting the start and end markers
  • Adjusting position and length of loop brace in clip box
  • Time signature in clip box
  • Notes box – half/double selection length
  • Reversing midi selection
  • Invert midi selection
  • Legato button
  • Duplicate button
  • Overlapping midi notes
  • On/off midi messages
  • Selecting multiple midi notes
  • Scrub area playback
  • Elastic band select tool
  • Duplicating midi notes
  • Velocity editor adjusting velocities
  • Renaming tracks & clips
  • Recolouring tracks & clips
  • Adding a new midi clip
  • Assign track color to all clips
  • Duplicating clios
  • Parts of a clip
  • Selecting time
  • Splitting clip
  • Moving clips
  • Consolidating clips
  • Select Range
  • Clip preview
  • Moving track order
  • Grouping tracks
  • Moving a track outside of a group
  • Consolidate audio clips
  • Moving multiple clips in selection
  • Editing audio clips to make a beat
  • Selecting a range of tracks
  • Selecting nonadjacent tracks
  • Fold and unfold a group
  • Audio routing in a group
  • Browser categories overview
  • Audio effects overview
  • Preferred method of adding
  • Devices review
  • Adding a Simpler device
  • Add a sample to simpler
  • Quick way of using the simpler
  • A/B checking
  • Device activator
  • Audio routing
  • Master channel
  • Two-channel audio output (stereo)
  • Searching in a specific category
  • One shot sample & loops
  • Adding audio clips to the arrangement timeline
  • Creating a loop
  • Properly duplicating clips
  • Adjusting clip volume
  • Adjusting the clip volume of a
  • Multi-selection
  • Manually add value
  • Use track volume
  • Pan control
  • Dry/wet
  • Reversing audio clip
  • Temporarily disable grid
  • Snapping
  • Clip fades
  • Crossfade
  • User library location
  • Installing elements folder
  • Difference between User library vs Ableton project folder
  • Adding the Music Stuff folder
  • How to save 
  • Saving location
  • Project folder
  • ALS files
  • Start a new live set
  • Saving versions
  • Avoiding missing audio files
  • Best practice for adding audio files into an Ableton Live project
  • Current project folder in Ableton Browser
  • Analysis file
  • Library Tab
  • How to find the user library folder
  • Important naming convention
  • Adding ideas to the ELEMENTS folder
  • What is MIDI
  • What is a MIDI cable
  • What types of information is transferred using MIDI? 
  • Forms of MIDI cables
  • The difference between controllers and synthesizers
  • Types of controls on a small midi controller 
  • How to setup MIDI controllers with Ableton Live 
  • Natively supported controller 
  • MIDI signal flow
  • Record arm
  • Output latency & optimizing buffer settings
  • Recording MIDI into the arrangement view
  • Add locators 
  • Metronome settings
  • Quantization settings
  • Stretching length of MIDI note
  • Adjusting loop length in arrangement view
  • Loop recording
  • Seeing hidden clip content
  • Adjusting the start marker
  • Slide clip content
  • Lane view comping
  • Capture function
  • Assigning midi mappings to a controller
  • Overdub recording mode
  • Info view
  • Dry/wet parameter
  • Recording automation
  • Overdub recording automation
  • Automation indicators
  • Automation mode
  • Automation nodes
  • Navigating automation view
  • Adding new automation lanes
  • Manually programming automation
  • Adding/removing nodes
  • Pre-made automation shapes
  • Delete multiple nodes
  • Add automation curves
  • Copy & Paste automation
  • Duplicate automation
  • Cut automation
  • Manipulate automation shape
  • Flip automation
  • Copying device and
  • automation
  • Copy moving
  • Recording into Session View
  • Clip record button
  • Clip launch button
  • Clip stop button
  • Clip end marker
  • Clip loop brace
  • QWERTY midi keyboard
  • Heads-up display for viewing velocity and octave range on QUERTY keyboard
  • What is an audio interface
  • CPU Monitor 
  • Pre-amp
  • Interface Drivers
  • Boot up sequence
  • Input and output configuration
  • What is a Sample rate
  • Latency & buffer size
  • Highest frequency vs sample rate
  • Humans spectrum of hearing
  • Ideal Latency target 
  • Performance impact button
  • Audio input device
  • Audio input routing 
  • Recording audio into arrangement view
  • Record arm button
  • Sacred recording engineer MO
  • Starting & stopping recording
  • Transport controls
  • Link
  • Tap tempo
  • Tempo
  • Tempo nudge
  • Time signature
  • Metronome
  • Metronome options
  • Global quantization setting
  • Follow button
  • Play head location
  • Session play/stop/record
  • Record overdub
  • Ideal recording level
  • Automation record
  • Session record button
  • Punch in/out
  • Multitrack recording
  • Stereo/balanced cable TRS
  • TS cable
  • XLR cable
  • Rename tracks
  • Recolour track
  • Monitor section
  • Audio loop recording
  • Take lanes & comping
  • Navigating clip audio
  • Clip overview area
  • Session view recording audio
  • Session record button
  • Audio warping
  • Warp Markers
  • Warp modes
  • Beats mode
  • Tones Mode
  • Texture mode
  • Re-pitch Mode
  • Complex mode
  • Complex Pro Mode
  • Transients & Pseudo Warp Markers
  • Syncing Longer Clips
  • Quantizing Audio
  • Multi-clip Warping
  • Chance
  • Grooves
  • Groove pool
  • Why is Knowing Music Theory Important?
  • What is Sound and Pitch?
  • Intervals
  • Scales
  • Tools for Staying in Key
  • Chords
  • Chord Quality
  • Chord Formulas
  • Chord Inversions
  • Tools For Making Chords
  • Chord Progressions
  • Chord Progression Tools
  • Melodies & Basslines
  • Melody tools
  • Song Structure

This course provides the techniques and workflow needed to join other Spacefood producers during regularly scheduled, online collaboration jams. These live-online, collaboration sessions take place over a 3-hour time block where participants are tasked to compose and remix various musical ELEMENTS added to the Spacefood Collab Pool.

By the end of the session, participants will be finished, or well on their way to completing a unique new track! If time allows, participants are invited to show their musical creations to the group, describe their processes, and answer questions.

Collaboration Jams are a perfect way to stay motivated, network with other producers, and producers-in-training, and learn how to provide and receive constructive feedback! These sessions are open to all Spacefood alumni and current students.

  • Ableton Live browser
  • Session view/Arrangement view navigation
  • What is session/arrangement view best for
  • Clip slots
  • What is the difference between an audio clip and a Midi clip
  • How to program MIDI (drums)
  • Adding tracks
  • Deleting tracks
  • Selecting multiple tracks range & nonadjacent
  • Tracks are connected between session & arrangement view
  • I/O section
  • Sends section
  • Return tracks
  • Adding an audio clip to the session view from browser
  • Clip launch button
  • Loop indicator
  • Show/hide sends & returns
  • Add return track
  • Pad launch/mute/solo buttons
  • Duplicate and vary technique
  • Beat time ruler – clip view
  • Adding MIDI notes to MIDI editor
  • Pausing clip playback
  • Beat subdivision
  • Beat names
  • Pencil tool for adding midi notes
  • Changing the beat grid using the context menu
  • Fixed vs adaptive grid
  • Focus based shortcuts
  • Zooming using the beat time ruler
  • Moving left & right with the beat time ruler
  • Navigate and zoom with overview area session and arrangement view
  • Turn on loop in clip view
  • Activate loop in arrangement view
  • Adjusting the length of loop
  • Moving midi notes around in the midi editor
  • Adjusting the start and end markers
  • Adjusting position and length of loop brace in clip box
  • Time signature in clip box
  • Notes box – half/double selection length
  • Mixer section
  • Resizing views
  • What is Pan?
  • Track activator switch
  • Solo button
  • Record arm button
  • Volume meter
  • Midi velocity meter
  • Types of midi messages
  • Velocity Editor
  • Converting MIdI to audio
  • Midi editor
  • Drum instruments
  • Single device icon vs device group
  • Audio preview icon
  • Sorting the browser list
  • How to add devices to a track
  • Back to arrangement view button
  • Add new midi clip to session view
  • Deleting clips
  • Detail view midi vs detail view audio
  • Piano roll
  • Stopping clips in session view
  • Toggling detail view with overview tabs
  • Fold/unfold views
  • Info area
  • Drum rack overview
  • Velocity editor with the pencil tool
  • Velocity ramping
  • Reversing midi selection
  • Invert midi selection
  • Legato button
  • Duplicate button
  • Overlapping midi notes
  • On/off midi messages
  • Selecting multiple midi notes
  • Scrub area playback
  • Elastic band select tool
  • Duplicating midi notes
  • Velocity editor adjusting velocities
  • Renaming tracks & clips
  • Recolouring tracks & clips
  • Adding a new midi clip
  • Assign track color to all clips
  • Duplicating clios
  • Parts of a clip
  • Selecting time
  • Splitting clip
  • Moving clips
  • Consolidating clips
  • Select Range
  • Clip preview
  • Moving track order
  • Grouping tracks
  • Moving a track outside of a group
  • Consolidate audio clips
  • Moving multiple clips in selection
  • Searching in a specific category
  • One shot sample & loops
  • Adding audio clips to the arrangement timeline
  • Creating a loop
  • Properly duplicating clips
  • Adjusting clip volume
  • Adjusting the clip volume of a
  • Multi-selection
  • Editing audio clips to make a beat
  • Selecting a range of tracks
  • Selecting nonadjacent tracks
  • Fold and unfold a group
  • Audio routing in a group
  • Browser categories overview
  • Audio effects overview
  • Preferred method of adding
  • Devices review
  • Adding a Simpler device
  • Add a sample to simpler
  • Quick way of using the simpler
  • A/B checking
  • Device activator
  • Audio routing
  • Master channel
  • Two-channel audio output (stereo)
  • Manually add value
  • Use track volume
  • Pan control
  • Dry/wet
  • Reversing audio clip
  • Temporarily disable grid
  • Snapping
  • Clip fades
  • Crossfade
  • User library location
  • Installing elements folder
  • Difference between User library vs Ableton project folder
  • Adding the Music Stuff folder
  • How to save 
  • Saving location
  • Current project folder in Ableton Browser
  • Analysis file
  • Library Tab
  • Project folder
  • ALS files
  • Start a new live set
  • Saving versions
  • Avoiding missing audio files
  • Best practice for adding audio files into an Ableton Live project
  • How to find the user library folder
  • Important naming convention
  • Adding ideas to the ELEMENTS folder
  • What is MIDI
  • What is a MIDI cable
  • What types of information is transferred using MIDI? 
  • Forms of MIDI cables
  • The difference between controllers and synthesizers
  • Types of controls on a small midi controller 
  • How to setup MIDI controllers with Ableton Live 
  • Natively supported controller 
  • MIDI signal flow
  • Record arm
  • Output latency & optimizing buffer settings
  • Recording MIDI into the arrangement view
  • Add locators 
  • Metronome settings
  • Quantization settings
  • Stretching length of MIDI note
  • Adding/removing nodes
  • Pre-made automation shapes
  • Delete multiple nodes
  • Add automation curves
  • Copy & Paste automation
  • Duplicate automation
  • Cut automation
  • Manipulate automation shape
  • Flip automation
  • Copying device and
  • Adjusting loop length in arrangement view
  • Loop recording
  • Seeing hidden clip content
  • Adjusting the start marker
  • Slide clip content
  • Lane view comping
  • Capture function
  • Assigning midi mappings to a controller
  • Overdub recording mode
  • Info view
  • Dry/wet parameter
  • Recording automation
  • Overdub recording automation
  • Automation indicators
  • Automation mode
  • Automation nodes
  • Navigating automation view
  • Adding new automation lanes
  • Manually programming automation
  • automation
  • Copy moving
  • Recording into Session View
  • Clip record button
  • Clip launch button
  • Clip stop button
  • Clip end marker
  • Clip loop brace
  • QWERTY midi keyboard
  • Heads-up display for viewing velocity and octave range on QUERTY keyboard
  • What is an audio interface
  • CPU Monitor 
  • Pre-amp
  • Interface Drivers
  • Boot up sequence
  • Input and output configuration
  • What is a Sample rate
  • Latency & buffer size
  • Highest frequency vs sample rate
  • Humans spectrum of hearing
  • Ideal Latency target 
  • Performance impact button
  • Audio input device
  • Audio input routing 
  • Recording audio into arrangement view
  • Automation record
  • Session record button
  • Punch in/out
  • Multitrack recording
  • Stereo/balanced cable TRS
  • TS cable
  • XLR cable
  • Rename tracks
  • Record arm button
  • Sacred recording engineer MO
  • Starting & stopping recording
  • Transport controls
  • Link
  • Tap tempo
  • Tempo
  • Tempo nudge
  • Time signature
  • Metronome
  • Metronome options
  • Global quantization setting
  • Follow button
  • Play head location
  • Session play/stop/record
  • Record overdub
  • Ideal recording level
  • Recolour track
  • Monitor section
  • Audio loop recording
  • Take lanes & comping
  • Navigating clip audio
  • Clip overview area
  • Session view recording audio
  • Session record button
  • Audio warping
  • Warp Markers
  • Warp modes
  • Beats mode
  • Tones Mode
  • Texture mode
  • Syncing Longer Clips
  • Quantizing Audio
  • Multi-clip Warping
  • Re-pitch Mode
  • Complex mode
  • Complex Pro Mode
  • Transients & Pseudo Warp Markers
  • Chance
  • Grooves
  • Groove pool
  • Why is Knowing Music Theory Important?
  • What is Sound and Pitch?
  • Intervals
  • Scales
  • Tools for Staying in Key
  • Chord Progressions
  • Chord Progression Tools
  • Melodies & Basslines
  • Chords
  • Chord Quality
  • Chord Formulas
  • Chord Inversions
  • Tools For Making Chords
  • Melody tools
  • Song Structure

This course provides the techniques and workflow needed to join other Spacefood producers during regularly scheduled, online collaboration jams. These live-online, collaboration sessions take place over a 3-hour time block where participants are tasked to compose and remix various musical ELEMENTS added to the Spacefood Collab Pool.

By the end of the session, participants will be finished, or well on their way to completing a unique new track! If time allows, participants are invited to show their musical creations to the group, describe their processes, and answer questions.

Collaboration Jams are a perfect way to stay motivated, network with other producers, and producers-in-training, and learn how to provide and receive constructive feedback! These sessions are open to all Spacefood alumni and current students.





Learn the fundamentals of Ableton Live

Become a faster songwriter

Meet other producers

Get real-time feedback!


$300.00Add to cart

Lifetime access to 6+ hours of on-demand video content, 6 hours of group live-online group training, Discord server invite, online collaboration jams.

Next Group Starts
March, 2023
Ableton Live Small Group Lessons Live-Online Classes
Ableton Live Small Group Lessons Skill Level:







Learn the fundamentals of Ableton Live

Become a faster songwriter

Meet other producers

Get real-time feedback!


$300.00Add to cart

Lifetime access to 6+ hours of on-demand video content, 6 hours of group live-online group training, Discord server invite, online collaboration jams.





Aaron is a multi-instrumental music producer and music educator from Nelson, Canada. In addition to producing, recording, and mastering music, he offers his advanced knowledge of production, mixing and mastering to his students via 1-on-1 mentoring on Zoom. Aaron has taught, mixed and produced music for projects spanning genres from Electronic Dance, Psytrance, Dubstep/IDM, Jazz and Folk, to Celtic, Ambient, Country and beyond. He is honoured to have produced for award nominated artists.
Aaron’s personal brand of music, as his three entangled monikers; Spacefood, Handsome Hansel and Shapeshifting Masters of Darkness, represents an avid curiosity of audible influence, as his experimental form of recording and sound mangling creates soundscapes traversing genres and energies from Chill-hop to Dubstep.


This small-group course, is contains a hybrid of pre-recorded videos, covering the fundamentals, PLUS over 6 hours of live-online group coaching. This means that Aaron (Spacefood) meets up with you and your smal cohort (maximum 8 people), for an hour each week to answer questions, provide feedback and give you new creative techniques for making sounds!

I’m so happy to offer this group course priced at $300 Canadian Dollars. It overjoys me to provide a super-brain-download of information about music production for a lower price that I’ve ever been able to manage before. You’ll be getting nearly as much information and attention as my 1-on-1 sessions, but for much less. AND you get prerecorded video content that can be re-watched any time!

Need to convert your currency?: GO HERE: https://www.xe.com/

Heck yeah, you can! Before you sign up though, please reach out to confirm that your time-zone works with the scheduled live-online sessions. I wouldn’t want you to sacrifice any valuable sleep!

If you have any questions about this, please contact me using my chat button on the bottom right side of the screen.

The Live-Online sessions each week are 1 hour(ish). Sometimes we’ll go over if time allows. The pre-recorded lesson videos that accompany each live-online session are usually about 1 hour each as well. 

Live-Online sessions are currently scheduled for every Sunday. This day might change depending on the needs of each group, but Sunday is the Fun-day at the moment!

You’ll need a few basic things to take lessons with me. 

  1. A computer with a minimum of 8GB of RAM
  2. A copy of Ableton Live (Intro, Lite, Standard, or Suite) *Download a free trial of Ableton Live here: https://www.ableton.com/en/trial/
  3. Your computer needs a microphone so we can communicate during our video meeting. Laptops will usually have a microphone built-in, but if you have a desktop, you may have to purchase one that’ll work for your system (if you need assistance with this, feel free to hit me up with the chat bubble in the bottom right hand corner of my site)
  4. Headphones or Monitors

There is a lot of other fun equipment that can make using Ableton a lot more fun, but the above list is the minimum you’ll need to start taking lessons.

Heck yeah, you can! Please let me have the opportunity to introduce you to the best music production software in the world (IMO). This group course is great for all experience levels, including complete beginners.

I teach lessons exclusively online (unless I’m doing a weekend workshop). Online lessons are more convenient for everyone involved, and you have the option to record the entire session so you can review it later on! I will use a variety of software for video conferencing and high-quality audio streaming, but my go-to tool is called Zoom (You can read about it on their website here: https://zoom.us/

I only offer in-person lessons during group workshops. Otherwise, I teach strictly online only! You can, however, book 1-on-1 sessions with me by heading over to my homepage and clicking on the links there: www.spacefood.ca

Any version of Ableton Live will do! That includes Intro, Lite, Standard, and Suite. If you haven’t purchased it yet and you’d like to try Ableton Suite for free, head over to the Ableton Website to download a copy: https://www.ableton.com/en/trial/

This course will teach you everything from the Fundamentals of Ableton to Music Theory for Electronic Musicians, to File Management and Speed Production Workflow! Head over to the CURRICULUM area to read pretty much the entire topic list.

If you still have questions for me before you register for the next group course, please contact me here: START CHATTING

If I don’t answer right away, I’m probably teaching a lesson and will get back to you as soon as possible via email. Please be sure to include your email address in the chat window when you say hello!

 © Spacefood Music 2022 | Website design & build by Handsome Hansel